blog と site をまとめてサイト管理に。
blog と site をまとめてサイト管理に。
https://vrm-c.github.io/UniVRM/ のドキュメントを本サイトに移動しました。 おもに /api/ フォルダー配下になります。
We are working on updating the site from 2024-01-15.
A broken link occurred due to a change in the URL of the English version. We have modified it to use the original URL. You can now access it at the original URL.
English version repository . English version will be deployed to https://vrm.dev/en/
Please let us know here
We are working on updating the site from 2024-01-15.
Please let us know here
We changed the Document tool from sphinx to docusaurus.
Updated list of applications that support VRM.
The registration method is here. We accept issues even if it is not a PullReq. If you have already registered, please feel free to change the wording.
Work on the change from Sphinx to Docusaurus is currently scheduled to be completed.
We are building with github-action.
We maintain separate docusaurus repositories for each language. The Japanese version is the original, and the English version is forked.
Deploy the Japanese version to https://vrm.dev as the base site.
Deploy the English version to https://vrm.dev/en.
When building a Japanese site
It is built in the /en
英語版を merge した 次回の日本語版 の github action
即座に反映したい場合は、日本語版の reposity の Actions
- Docusaurus
- Run workflow
$ git clone https://github.com/vrm-c/vrm.dev.en.git
$ git switch -c fix/EN_TOPIC # Please give a suitable and unique branch name
$ cd vrm.dev.en
$ npm install
$ npm run dev
# Access https://localhost:3000. View translated article.
Push pull request
TODO: bot automation.
$ git clone https://github.com/vrm-c/vrm.dev.en.git
$ cd vrm.dev.en
$ git remote add ja https://github.com/vrm-c/vrm.dev
$ git switch -c merge/topic
$ git fetch ja master
$ git merge ja master
$ npm run build
# If there is an error, resolve the conflict and proceed with the build.
# If the build is transparent, you can commit the merge and proceed.
$ git commit
$ git push
Please submit a pull request for the markdown article here.
Please submit a pull request here for an English translation of the markdown article.
If you are confused between vrm.dev
and vrm.dev.en
Please send it to vrm.dev