v0.115.0 Fix ExpressionLookAt and PR merge
vrm-1.0: expression / lookat
- [#2163] Fix a incorrect eye direction control in VRM-1.0.
- [#2155] VRM10ExpressionEditorTool can control custom expressions.
- [#2162] ExpressionのPreviewのPrefabを切り替えたときにパラメータが表示されなくなる問題を修正
- [#2148] [VRM0.x] Fix wrong preview results in editor inspector when a vrm blendshape material target is "_ST_S" or "_ST_T"
- [#2144] メッシュ名が.から始まってたり空だとimport時に失敗する?
- [#2164] UniVRM-0.115.0
- [#2157] Bump urllib3 from 1.26.7 to 1.26.17
- [#2153] Transfer "TextureImportTypes" to ITextureDeserializer.LoadTextureAsync()
- [#2146] 記述が古いところを修正
- [#2145] Update README.md
- [#2142] UniVRM-0.114.0