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.unitypackage file から unitypackage をダウンロードしてください。 UniGLTF_VRMShadersUniVRM という順番で2つのパッケージをインストールしてください。

  • The recommended version is Unity-2019.4. Other supported Unity versions can be found here.
for GLTFinstall
for VRMinstallinstall
for VRM1installinstall
  • Sample パッケージは廃止になり中に含まれます。
  • UPMSample 機能でインストールできます。

Get unity package in


Before Installation

  • Create a new Unity project

  • "Go to ProjectSettings - Player - Other Settings - Rendering - ColorSpace and set ColorSpace to Linear (recommended setting)

linear setting
linear setting
If your Unity version is Unity-2018.3, Unity-2018.4, Unity-2019.1:
  • "Go to ProjectSettings - Player - Other Settings - Scripting Runtime Version and set Scripting Runtime Version to .Net4.X equivalent
Install UniVRM in an Existing Project:

"If old UniVRM version exists, please delete Assets/VRM, Assets/UniGLTF (if exists), Assets/VRMShaders (if exists) and Assets/MeshUtility (if exists) before installation. Refer to Uninstall UniVRM for more information"

Import unitypackage

Import unitypackage

Go to Assets - Import Package - Custom Package and select UniVRM-0.XX.X_XXXX.unitypackage.

Three folders: Assets/VRM, Assets/UniGLTF and Assets/VRMShaders will be imported into the Unity project.


Import Unity Package

Check if UniVRM has been imported successfully

If UniVRM import successes, VRM menu will be displayed in the menu bar:

vrm menu
vrm menu

Previous versions:

vrm menu old
vrm menu old

If menu does not show up:

  • Open Console: click clear button on the upper-left corner of the Console window to see if any error (message in red) occurs
show console
show console
clear console
clear console