v0.52.0 (04/06/2019)
- [closed] Update MToon to v3.0 #255
- [material] update MToon v2.0 #249
- MToonの更新
- Unity2019.1で正常に動作するように修正
- [closed] Move UnityEditorScripts items to the bottom of menu. #252
- [closed] Add utility menu for VRMSpringBoneColliderGroup. #253
- VRMSpringBoneのEditor Utility Menuを追加
- [closed] Copy m_center and m_hitRadius in VRMSpringBone when exporting (Fix #215) #220
- Export VRMにて、VRMSprngBoneのHit Radiusなど一部のプロパティが既定値になる問題を修正
- [closed] If Emission keyword is false, do not output a value #227
- Standerdシェーダを使用してエクスポートした時に、EmissionEnable = falseの状態でもEmissionColorが書き込まれてしまい、インポート時にEmissionColorが(0,0,0)でなかった場合はEmissionEnable = trueになってしまうバグの修正
- [closed] Bake smoothness and roughnessFactor into textures. #222
- StanderdShaderでエクスポートする場合に、smoothness の値をMetallicTextureにベイクするように変更
- [closed] Update minimum support Unity version to 5.6.7f1 #210
- Unityの最小サポートバージョンを5.6.7f1に変更
- [closed] Save FirstPerson values on GUI correctly #217
- EditorにてFirst Person Offset の変更が保存されていないバグの修正
- [closed] Propagate texture properties when exporting. #218
- TextureWrapModeなどのテクスチャプロパティ値が失われるバグの修正
- [closed] Fix alpha issue when UniUnlit material is opaque. #204
- [closed] Fix UniUnlit inspector's bug, cull mode was empty. #203
- [closed] Update version number #250
- [bug] added DepthFirstScheduler reference to VRM.Sample #241
- [common] Fix typo #243
- [common][importer] unityのwww対応 #239
- [closed] バージョンチェックのエラー表記を修正 #254
- [closed] Fix material test to pass #228
- [closed] Fix comments #224
- [closed] Add extensions.VRM.specVersion to the json schema #197
- [closed] Remove unused meta files #221
- [closed] Set _Cutoff parameters when alphaMode is MASK #219
- [closed] optimize ListTreeNode Children for large JSON #187
- [closed] Fix dictionary deserializer #189
- [closed] Separate shaderproperty #206
- [closed] fix AOT #205
- [closed] Normalize blendshape preview light's intensity. #201
- [closed] glTF.extensions.VRM default value to null #200
- [closed] Fix typo in obsolete attribute. #199
- [closed] Use unijson parser #184
- [closed] Hox fix/fix tests for v0 51 0 #195